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The Star Trek series that can save on the franchise

Chris Snellgrove | publishing

Today, the Star Trek series is in a volatile position. Both Discover and Lower deck Cancel too early, Chapter 31 It’s a straight-popular chaos that kills Paramount’s remaining fan passion for future movies. Then A strange new world It’s the breath of fresh air (fresh hair thanks to Anson Mount’s killer do, fresh hair) it’s obvious that this franchise will require another hit show to stay relevant. The best idea has been around for thirty years: We need a Star Trek series focusing on Captain Kirk second Five-year mission.

Mission we’ve never seen

Star Trek movie special effects

If you just spit out tea (Earl Grey, hot), you might be surprised to find these two Star Trek chronology (Opened in 1993) and Star Trek Encyclopedia (On 1994) Both indicate that Kirk and the crew had undertaken their mission in the second fifth year after the incident Movie. Effectively, for a while Movie and Khan’s angerand the unfortunate Admiral Kirk we see in the second film is a man who ends up being timid around the galaxy. With a new Star Trek series, we can finally explore exactly what’s going on between the two movies.

At first glance, you might think that the biggest obstacle to creating a Star Trek series like this is to recreate the iconic characters once played by Hollywood heavyweights like William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. However, A strange new world We have given the main version of the younger version Original series Characters like Kirk, Spock, Uhura and Scotty, as well as characters like Chapel and M’Benga. If these actors can re-energize the future Star Trek series, relatively little effort will be put in place to abandon new actors to leave behind TOS characters like McCoy, Sulu and Chikov.

Of course, the problem with the program is all this Star Trek: A Strange New World The reason why actors are performed is because they are young and can be in front of them.Original series Versions of these famous characters. But that’s the beauty of the program: SNW hasn’t even aired its third season, and depending on how popular the show is, we’ll probably rely on it for a few years. By the time this show package and Paramount completes pre-school hours for the new Star Trek series, all of these actors will be big enough (more or less) to play the role of Post-of Post-Movie figure.

If you still think these A strange new world The actors are too young for the role, and it’s worth considering that William Shatner and his original crew can also be said to be Old For the parts they are playing with. Look, Original series‘The last season is scheduled for 2269, Movie It was set sometime in the 2270s. Although full ten years Between the end of the show and the first movie, TMP should be done shortly after TOS.

So the cast in this proposed Star Trek series just needs to be as old as the TOS crew watch. Meanwhile, current Kirk actor Paul Wesley is now 42 years old and current Spock actor Ethan Peck is 38. Throw them each and every one is younger than them, these two actors will look Perfect For the new Star Trek series Movie.

Aside from the relaxed cast, such a series will be beneficial as it will like Star Trek (2009) Movie, bringing new fans into the franchise. Regarding other shows, the franchise will always be related to Kirk, Spock and Classic Enterprise Crew. A series that focuses on their previously unknown adventures may attract many fans, and the Star Trek origin film Paramount is currently developing.

The first contact with Star Trek

Speaking of which movie, the biggest problem with this movie is that it will reportedly focus on the first contact with aliens and the formation of the Federation, events already covered First contact and enterprise. Frankly, such plots would bother older fans who saw Paramount throw away the old Canon alternately and reread the old stories we’ve seen. With the help of my proposed new Star Trek series, Paramount can attract new fans while giving us the screen version of the old fans we wanted to see over the years: The franchise’s “Lost Years” that better position our characters (both physically and emotionally). Khan’s anger.

Considering Paramount has cancelled such Star Trek: Lower Deck Slope is pushed out simultaneously Chapter 31doubtfully, they will take my advice on the new series very seriously. But, that’s too bad because such a show is an easy win for the franchise Try your best Need one while allowing producers to reuse A strange new world set. Instead, we insist Starfleet Academya 90210 space hail Mary comes from a franchise that was supposed to stuff itself into transporter buffer A Long Time ago.

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