ChatGpt for MacOS can now edit XCode Projects directly
Chatgpt on MacOS is about to become more useful. With the latest update to the app (version 1.2025.057), Chatgpt can now edit code directly in an integrated development environment – no need to copy and paste. You can find a full list of IDE support on the OpenAI website, but some of the more notable include Apple’s own forks of Xcode, Visual Code Studio, and Jetbrains, such as Android Studio and Pycharm.
According to OpenAI, IDE integration has been one of the most needed features for MacOS users since the company released the “With the App Wank” framework in November. If you are a Plus, Pro, or Team subscriber, you can start using the integration right away. As for enterprise, EDU and freelance users, look for updated apps that arrive next week.
Perhaps no surprise, this feature arrives like “vibecoding” entering the popular dictionary. For beginners, VibeCoding is a form of coding that involves programming applications and games using AI tools such as Chatgpt (and of course Vibes’s features). While this seems to be a meme, VibeCoding is very real. Jared Friedman, managing partner of Y Combinator, said in a video titled “Vibe encoding is the future” that a quarter of the W25 queue that launched the accelerator’s code base is generated by 95% by AI.
“It’s not a fashion. It’s not going away. It’s the main way of code. If you don’t, you might be left behind,” added Garry Tan, CEO of Y Combinator, in the same video.