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Now you need to modify all the Xbox 360 is just a USB drive

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 headlines may not be that dead after all. Although Microsoft killed the Xbox 360 gaming store last year, it is determined to end its long-term life span, potential Modders now have a new way to access hordes of homemade content without opening the shell of nearly 20-year-old system. All you need is some expertise, a USB drive and quite a bit of patience.

The software is called badupdate, which you can get for free on the creator’s github page (note by verge first), and to make it work you need Tony Hawke’s American Wastelandor demonstration Rock band Blitz. You need to format the USB drive to FAT32 format, but the instructions are relatively simple after that. The exploit should work for consoles updated to dashboard version 17559, the latest version of Xbox 360 software.

Running this hack will enable “Unsigned Code”, which effectively means that the Xbox 360’s hardware lock does not involve any software. So you can use it to run the Xbox 360 Homebrew Store directly from the console. This will give you access to a large number of emulators, homemade applications, and custom dashboards.

There are other ways to take advantage of Xbox 360, including the old RGH exploit, also known as RESET GLITCH HACK. The reason for badupdate software hacking is good news for potential modifiers, as you no longer need to physically open the console or make any hardware modifications.

The main problem you will encounter is that if you shut down the console, you need to rerun the vulnerability to run again. Apart from that, the vulnerability should be partnered with Winchester-Model Xbox 360, the latest version of Microsoft, a gaming console released in 2014. Modern Vintage Console’s YouTubers also confirmed the most expensive version of the BadUpdate work on the Xbox 360. This channel provides video tutorials. They pointed out that it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to run successfully, requiring multiple attempts.

The original Xbox can even be modified more easily without digging into the system’s guts (this is how we get XBMC!). In this case you need to use a USB drive, a package called Softmod, and the original copy Tom Clancy’s Dividing Cells. This allows you to play homemade menus, load your own custom menus, and of course play modded games. The software mod is longer than badupdate, but the RGH process of the original Xbox also involves soldering resistors on the motherboard.

For many who want to experience all the homemade and hardware hacking scenarios, modifying old game consoles is a right of way. If you have an old Xbox 360, why not give it a try, if nothing else, only take the old Xbox 360 controller from its dusty shelf for the first time in over a decade.

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