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Brand new volcanic ventilation openings opened in Yellowstone National Park

A new steam rose from Yellowstone.

While there is no hint of an eruption in the swelling volcano, magma brews below the ground, fueling hundreds of geysers and other heating phenomena. In a new blog on its website, the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory covers the new steaming function of the National Park, illustrative of the ever-evolving world and exciting landscapes.

“Party scientists noticed a rolling column of steam through trees and through the swamps when they drove south from the Mammoth Hot Springs toward the Norris Geyser Basin earlier last August 5.”. “Hawkeye scientists informed the Park Geology team to verify if this is indeed a new activity.”



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The water-heat vent of the steamed water is located at the bottom of the ancient lava flow, and geologists measure temperatures at 171 degrees Fahrenheit. It can be a newly generated activity of steam functions discovered near 2003.

Mixable light speed

Here is a recent view of the new cave in Huangshi, which vents steam into the sky, geologists have shared online:

New steam vents in Yellowstone National Park were filmed in August 2024.
Credits: Jefferson Hungerford/Yellowstone National Park

Steam rises from new hydrothermal features in the woods of Yellowstone National Park.

Steam rises from new hydrothermal features in the woods of Yellowstone National Park.
Image source: Mike Poland/USGS

This winter, the vents remain active but soft due to water draining into the opening. But spring comes and it may light up again.

“The activity of these characteristics fades over time – you might even say that some of them picked up steam! Sorry…we can’t help but resist.”

Today, Yellowstone is still a place with low volcanic risks. Of course, sometimes it is stimulated by hot water and steam. But it was mainly a hot pool and awesome geyser that reminded us of a day that might wake up, a distant day.

The last volcanic eruption in Yellowstone happened about 70,000 years ago, and these events were not huge eruptions, which would allow the huge eruptions of the past 50 or so eruptions to deposit ashes on large pieces of the United States, almost all simple lava flows. “If it happens tomorrow or next year, they will have the least direct effect outside Yellowstone National Park. ”

If the magma again snakes from deep inside the Earth and saturates these shallower reservoirs, the outbreak would not be surprising. We will have decades of warnings, if not centuries. Moving magma will trigger a large number of effective earthquakes, with the ground mainly deforming.

However, this new steaming function is only the norm in the ever-changing volcanic world.

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