YouTuber experience driving mini Ibishu pigeons and surviving
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YouTuber experience driving mini Ibishu pigeons and surviving
It’s always a pleasure to see the life and limbs of the car YouTuber put their craft on life and limbs, just like that one driving the “real” Ibishu pigeon and speaking the story somehow. Whether this guy has suffered any lasting neurological damage from the experience, once you watch the video, it remains to be seen why.
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You may have seen very strange three-wheeler trucks that are common in the Pacific, but the Ibishu pigeon is probably the worst of them. It’s a tiny, unstable body pickup that takes only a few hundred pounds to tip the scale. Indeed, this is a death trap on the wheel.
The regular pigeon is a JDM (Japanese domestic market) vehicle with 3 engines of 550cc between two seats. In addition, use a belt drive system to rotate the front wheels.
But the Ibishu pigeon is only 85 cm (only 33.5 inches), half the height of an ordinary pigeon. It also has an engine located behind the driver, rather than between the two seats, making it more unstable.
Due to its small size, there is only one seat inside. The driver uses some handlebars, but not like you do on Harley. Oh, the body and interior are made of old karstro oil barrels.
The guy who built it used a Honda gyroscope, a three-wheeled JDM motorcycle, which crafted the body around these machinery. But it doesn’t have traditional brakes, it’s just a rough manual brake. Doors are not locked, so they can be open, and there are many other suspicious things about building.
Apparently, this guy loves to enjoy the death trap for others. He may be a genius, he may be a sadist, and probably both.
Images by Muye/YouTube