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The 2000s rom-com on Netflix is ​​even more creepy than you remember

Robert Scucci | publishing

Earlier this week, I saw it 50 first dates Streaming on Netflix and thinking I’ll be doing it for the old reasons. Full disclosure, I really want to dunk the movie because I haven’t watched the movie since the cover of Cure’s Love Song in 311, as the track toured on MTV2, when the channel was still playing music regularly.

Why I want to dunk 50 first dates, Did you ask? I remember this premise was a bit creepy because Adam Sandler’s Henry Rose (sounds like the name of a serial killer on a show Criminal Thoughts) basically cheated on a woman who might be Leonard Shelby commemorate Love him, except that she was not covered with self-painted, round bead prison tattoos to remind her of her own memory.

Now, this is my big chunk of place, admitting I’m wrong, because like Drew Barrymore’s Lucy Whitmore, my memory of the movie has been corrupted over time, 50 first dates It is actually healthy.

I’m wrong, so long, thanks to all the fish

50 first dates

In any other case, 50 first dates This doesn’t work because it’s a story about Henry Roth, a feminine marine veterinarian who runs on a female tourist on Oahu, Hawaii, because he’s worried about the promise. When he happens to Lucy at Amy Hill Café, they knock it out immediately and engage in the kind of flirting you expect to flirt with your elaborate waffle building and coffee. Henry is absolutely fascinated by Lucy, ready to finally devote himself to his dreams, except for one problem: Lucy was in a car accident a year ago and suffered from amnesia in Xingzhen.

In other words, Lucy remembers the incident that led to the accident in her life, but her new, post-memories wipe off every night when she fell asleep.

Henry desperately wants to win Lucy every day, and he sets up an elaborate scene that looks like an accidental encounter with her so he can get her attention and win her feelings. From asking her to help start his car to stage a scene that looks like his best friend Ula (Rob Schneider) is attacking him so she can come and rescue him (one of the funniest scenes). 50 first dates), Henry manipulated Lucy and exploited her memory loss, so in these undesirable circumstances he could continue his unilateral relationship with her.

This obsession can be seen as problematic in any other film, as Henry is told to stop pursuing Lucy, but he continues to do so anyway, barely considering how harmful his pursuit is to her mind. But for some reason, it works 50 first dates.

Without Lucy’s family, the 50th first date wouldn’t work

50 first dates

At first, Lucy’s father, Marin (Blake Clark) and her older, wandering brother Doug (Sean Astin) are protected by Lucy, for good reason. Don’t want to shock Lucy because she repeats the day of the accident (Marlin’s birthday) because she can’t be in the 50 first datesMarlin and Doug have pineapple cakes every day, watch the same football game, and end the night by watching M. Night Shyamalan’s to protect her Sixth senseEven though Marlin and Doug might want to swallow their eyes every time, because they already know what is coming, it surprised Lucy’s twist every time.

Around this time, I 50 first dates Because in this rom-com it all boils down to intention, I might review my second viewing.

Of course, Marlin and Doug lie to Lucy every day, which confuses me, but they are for wholesome reasons and I suspect anyone has the resources (and 500 copies of the same newspaper to keep the ruse going). First, Marlin was worried about Henry’s progress and realized Lucy Finally noticed that everyone was aging, she would have to face the loss of memory through more practical means.

Choose to make new videos for Lucy every day 50 first datesHenry is 100% dedicated every morning to getting sadness out of the first thing and catching up with the current events so they can live together and move forward, which actually has a positive impact on her memory.

One of the better Adam Sandler rom-coms

50 first dates

I’ve said in the past that my mileage with Adam Sandler varies from movie to movie, but when he’s in “lovely stupid” mode and not too much, he knows how to get the job done. I can’t blame this guy for cracking code in the form of hiring all his friends to star in movies with him in beautiful places, because as long as it’s considered “work”, he can do whatever he wants.

I apologize for watching 50 first dates I plan to tear it to pieces. In any other case, the whole plot of “someone using a woman’s memory to lose their own selfish gains” will be flat because it essentially tracks someone with mental barriers. But, thanks to Lucy’s family and friends, and Henry’s progress comes from the sincere place, I must admit that I was wrong, and this movie has no creepy views on the movie at all.

I’m not saying you should stop and help a stranger with jumper cables in the middle of the night, because it can be dangerous (they should be functional adults with AAA membership, let’s be real), but you’ll be streaming completely safely 50 first dates On Netflix, the comfort and privacy of your own home.

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