Colombian diplomats are hit by a wandering bullet from St. Paul, and robbery attempts are taking place nearby

São Paulo (AP) – A Brazilian Colombian diplomat was injured in a homeless bullet and was hospitalized for surgery on Friday, authorities said.
Local police said Deputy Consul Claudia Ortiz Vaca attempted to rob a vehicle in central São Paulo. Security officials said in a statement that an off-duty police officer witnessed two suspects approaching a car and intervened. It is unclear whether the gunshots came from the officers or one of the suspects, and where she was hit by a bullet.
The Colombian Consulate in St. Paul said in a statement that Ortiz Vaca is undergoing surgery and is in a stable condition.
Police said one suspect was arrested and another escaped. Local authorities said they will investigate the case.
Violent street crime is common in Brazil, and foreigners sometimes become victims.
In December, an Argentine tourist was shot dead in Rio de Janeiro for driving his car to a low-income community on his way to Christ, the Redeemer statue. Gastón Fernando Burlon, president of the Argentina Student Tourism Conference, was then taken to a local hospital.