“Danish Viking blood is boiling.” The Danes boycott the United States and the rest of Europe, as well.
Retired Danish policeman Ivan Hansen filled his baskets in the supermarket and scrutinized each product to avoid buying anything made in the United States. No more Coca-Cola, no California Zinfandel wine or almonds.
The 67-year-old said it was the only way he knew to protest the policies of U.S. President Donald Trump. He was angry at Trump’s threat to capture Denmark’s Greenland territory, but it was more than that. There are also threats to control the Panama Canal and Gaza. Trump’s relationship with Elon Musk, who has a far-right connection and interprets many as a Nazi erect Nazi tribute.
On a recent shopping trip, Hansen came home with an Iranian date. This made him realize that he now believes the United States has a greater threat than Iran.
“Trump really looks like a bully, he is trying to intimidate others and threaten others to go his own way. I will fight this kind of thing,” he told the Associated Press.
More and more boycotts in Europe
Hansen is just a supporter of the growing movement throughout Europe and Canada to boycott American products. People are joining Facebook groups where they share ideas about how to avoid our products and find alternatives. The Nordic region feels especially strong – Denmark is most likely to feel given Trump’s threat to capture Greenland.
Google Trends show that searches for the words “boycott the United States” and “boycott the United States” surged when Trump announced new tariffs, including top regions including Denmark, Canada and France. Meanwhile, as the brand is closely linked to Trump, global defenders are also opposing Tesla, and sales in Europe and Canada plummet. In Germany, police are investigating four Teslas and fired on Friday.
Elsebeth Pedersen lives in Faaborg, Denmark Island, and just bought a car and didn’t even look at the options we made.
“When Elon Musk starts to be like a lunatic, Tesla may be an option. Maybe it’s Ford,” she said.
French entrepreneur Romain Roy said his solar panel company bought a new Tesla fleet every year but canceled its 15 other orders against Musk and Trump policies.
He described the United States as “a country that is close to itself”, citing Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement and Musk’s arm gesture. He said he was buying European models, even if that would cost €150,000 ($164,000).
“Individual consumers, society, our country, Europe must respond,” he told broadcaster SUD radio.
Responding to consumer demands in Denmark’s largest supermarket chain, Salling Group created a star tag this month to mark European-made items for sale in its stores. CEO Anders Hagh said it was not a boycott, but a response to consumers, demanding a way to easily avoid American products.
“Our store will continue to have branding on shelves around the world, which will always be up to the customer. The new tag is just an extra service for customers who want to buy items with European tags,” he said in a LinkedIn post.
“I’ve never seen a Danes so depressed”
For Bo Albertus, “It was too much for me when Trump was on TV and said he would take over the Kingdom of Denmark with political or military power.”
The 57-year-old said he felt powerless and had to do something. He gave up Pepsi, Colgate’s toothpaste, Heinz tomato sauce and California wines and replaced them with European products.
He is now the administrator of the Denmark Facebook page “Boykot Varer Fra USA” (a merchandise that boycotts the United States), which has expanded to over 80,000 members.
A user posted a “drink more champagne” after Trump threatened 200% tariffs on EU wine and champagne.
School principal Albertus told the Associated Press that he really missed Colgate’s strong taste. But he was pleasantly surprised to find a replacement for Coke that is half as much as Pepsi.
Trump’s policies “bring a boiling blood from the Danish Vikings,” said Jens Olsen, an electrician and carpenter. Now, he is considering replacing a $10,000 American-made DeWalt power tool, even if that would cost a lot of money.
He has found European alternatives to European popcorn brands and California-made Lagunitas IPA beer, which he calls “the best in the world.”
“I’ve been to the brewery many times, but now I don’t buy it anymore,” he said. The reason he feels different is because he is a dual Danish citizen and spends a lot of time in the United States. But he couldn’t control his anger.
“I’m 66 years old and I’ve never seen Danes so depressed before,” he said.
Michael Ramgil Stæhr canceled his fall trip to the United States and was one of many people who chose to buy Denmark instead of Made in the United States, although he couldn’t determine the exact moment when he made his decision.
“Maybe it was (Trump) announcing to the world media that he intends to ‘belt’ the Greenland and Panama Canals and if military is necessary. This is a 53-year-old Copenhagen resident saying: “It is a gang-like act against the Ukrainian president.” ”
“This man is a fatal danger and is already creating life for life.” He himself served in Bosnia.
French anger is rising
Edouard Roussez, a farmer from northern France, opened an online group, “Boycott the United States, buy France and Europe!” in just two weeks, attracting more than 20,000 members on Facebook.
Ruces believes that boycotting U.S. companies is a good way to express opposition to Trump’s policies, especially the “business and ideological war”, which he believes Trump is launching against Europe.
“First of all, these are the companies that fund Donald Trump’s campaign,” he said on state-owned LCP TV channels. “I’m thinking about Airbnb, I’m thinking about Uber, and of course I’m thinking about Tesla.”
Ironically? The group is on Facebook. Ruces said that only the American online social media platform can give him the coverage he needs. But he is working to move the group to other platforms without U.S. funds or capital.
As for any impact on U.S. export profits or policy making, it is unlikely.
Stenman said boycotts could have psychological effects on Americans who see the scale of anger, but “someone might also say ‘we don’t like these Europeans’.”
Some choices are harder than others
Simon Madsen, 54, lives in Danish City of Horsesens with his wife and 13-year-old twins, said the family abandoned Oreos, Oreos and Pepsi Max. It’s really not that difficult.
But now they are discussing things without Netflix, which is too far for kids.
He also wondered if he should continue to buy Anthony Berger chocolate marzipan made from American almonds.
It is important for people to use the power of their wallets to put pressure on companies, he said.
“This is the only weapon we have,” he said.
AP’s writer Stefanie Dazio is located in Berlin, with donations from John Leicester and Samuel Petquin of Paris and Laurie Kellman of London.