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Free Printable Earth Day Poster Bundle

Celebrating Earth Day on Earth Day, April 22 or throughout the year, our free printable Earth Day poster bundle. Each of the five posters includes a quote from a well-known activist, with a message that students can use to reflect on. In addition, poster information can remind people why students are studying life cycles, nature, seasons, etc.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is a day of awareness, education and celebration of the planet and its environment. The purpose is to encourage people to take action. The first Earth Day was the National Day of the demonstration, which led to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency. Since then, Earth Day has also strengthened support for legislation, such as the Clean Air Act. On Earth Day, people around the world participate in publicity events or take actions, such as voluntary planting of trees, cleaning or saving water.

Free Printable Earth Day Poster

Our free posters are perfect for hanging on the walls of a classroom or corridor. Use quotes to start a discussion or reflect. You can also use them as the center of your bulletin board display. Alternatively, you can expand the Earth Day poster in the classroom by having students inspire their other Earth Day quotes. Here is what is included in the Earth Day poster bundle:

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The beauty of the trees

Trees are such an underestimated resource. Use this poster, which includes activist Martin Luther King Jr, whom students are already familiar with.

Anne Frank Quote, I believe that nature brings comfort in all trouble
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Nature brings comfort

In this sentence, Anne Frank reflects how nature affects humanity, even if we influence nature. How do your students apply this quote to their own lives?

Earth Day Quotation: The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that others will save it
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Depends on all of us

This poster summarizes Dr. Seuss’s message Lolax and the thoughts behind Earth Day. Use posters to talk about what students can do in a classroom, backyard, or community to help the environment.

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Buzz Aldren Quote, don't waste the earth, this is our jewelry, Earth Day poster
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The earth is our gem

No wonder astronaut Buzz Aldrin is the second person to step onto the moon when he lands on Earth. See photos of the Earth from outer space and see how the change in perspective changes students’ perceptions of its particularity.

Rachel Carson's famous quote, those who consider the beauty of the earth will find a reserve of power, as long as life lasts, Earth Day poster
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Take some time to think

Earth Day asks us to slow down and think about what the planet and its resources mean to us. This poster reminds students to think deeply about the natural wonders of the planet and how they inspire our lives.

Get free Earth Day posters!

Earth Day Poster
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Simply fill out the form on this page to get a free poster.

Celebrate our planet on Earth Day and every day and get ready to download and print five posters on this free Earth Day poster bundle.

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