Gavin Newsom’s new podcast is Cringey, an unnecessary transfer

Gavin Newsom (whose eyes, visions are firmly fixed on his future) has once again been integrated into the self-promoting business.
Perhaps one would imagine that his hand is now the governor of California, one of the most expensive and destructive natural disasters in American history. Two months after the Hellfire began in Southern California, it brought new pain every day.
But it was a free country, and the news agency was far past the age of consent, so obviously didn’t stop him.
What a pity, that.
The Democrats’ latest i-hicle, er, vehicle, is almost the last thing the world needs now: another political-themed podcast. Warholian’s idea is that one day everyone will hold world-famous ideas in 15 minutes, which obviously does not take into account the emergence of alternatives, Tiktok, podcasts, etc. Some people have personalities that make 15 minutes look like eternal.
Anyway, “This is Gavin Newsom” is now a thing that should not be mistaken for his other extracurricular activity, “Politicin.” The show features Newsom, former NFL running back to Marshawn Lynch and sports agent Doug Hendrickson, in another podcast Feedin, a hunger feeling for the state’s Voluble CEO.
Announcing his latest Moonlight effort, Newsom told reporters: “I want to associate with people who often interact with me privately and who speak out about these conversations.”
This generosity and willingness to share has not yet been extended to Newsom’s breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, his number of steps or daily hygiene, as the governor’s kindness seems to know at least some range.
But wait. Memoir is Newsom’s third book, and is in production.
His new podcast debuted last week, including Maga Megaphone and provocateur Charlie Kirk, and immediately attracted national attention Newsom, eagerly craving. His claims of transgender girls and women participating in the Women’s Sports League are “very unfair” headlines – a longtime advocate of LGBTQ+ rights, and a lot of them, while political commentators and people living in social media have conducted an acre analysis.
In the months and years leading up to the 2028 presidential election, Democrats wandered through the wilderness, and the collision of sports and gender is sure to be a detailed lawsuit. Newsom put his mark down.
After the first episode, less notable is stupidity and flattery – “Your success!” “Your influence!” – Above an hour, velvety belly rubbing, Newsom awarded Kirk.
Kirk has a history of false and quirky rhetoric, with President Trump’s lies about the stolen election in 2020, promoting anti-Semitism metaphors and intense racial dissonance, as well as other components of his political celebrities.
However, you hardly know this, but listen to his chat with Star News Agency. It is highly commendable to have civil dialogue with people with different political views. As a deeply polarized culture and society, we can use more dialogue.
But being kind is one thing. It sounds like you’ve been selected, Yukkk up, and nodded to Kirk’s worship treatment of Trump, his anti-public health perspective and his expression to the victims of the right. In the words of a national democratic strategist who does not want to be confirmed to be criticized by the governor: “It seems like two are brothers.”
Or at least very good buds.
Newsom’s Vanity Project released this week’s second part has a friendly chat with Michael Savage, a Marin County broadcaster, conservative agitator and writer whose history is full of anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric.
But you have to listen carefully to discern any significant differences, because Newsom discusses taxation, immigration, Savage’s climate change negligence, his celebration of Tucker Carlson and the discrimination Savage says he suffered as a white male.
“I agree,” Newsom said, when Savage was associated with Air Force One travel, he was sent to the hot dog and suggested that Trump was actually “a person who is very sensitive to others.”
It’s OK, insulting the President keeps saying it, his assigned mean nickname (such as “Newsgiving”) or the president’s ruthless approach to governing. At least, the Barbarians pointed out that it was a Jewish dog.
“This is Gavin News” is comprehensive. With its forced Bonhomie, the show is neither content nor engaging. It offers all the fun of a bad office party.
Embrace the world’s Charlie Kirks and join Michael Savages’ truck – “You’re the funniest person and personality…and the storyteller on the radio!” Newsom pours in – is also a weird way to try to build state support among fellow Democratic people.
If Newsom really hopes to be president one day, the best thing he can do is to complete a job in the last 22 months of being governor. Don’t waste time on glib and conscious transfer. The same is true of Newsom. But he seemed to care only about his voice.
Podcast, Ad Adauseam.