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Indonesian law allows military to play a bigger role in government

The Indonesian parliament has made controversial changes to the legislation that will allow the military to play a greater role in the government.

Critics warned that the move could return Indonesia to the dark age of Suharto’s military dictatorship, which lasted for 32 years until he was forced to withdraw in 1998.

The revisions supported by former Special Forces Commander President Prabowo Subianto and Suharto’s son-in-law allow officers to hold government positions in the government without having to retire or resign first.

Hundreds of pro-democracy activists have camped outside parliament since Wednesday night to protest the changes.

“The essence of democracy is that the military should not participate in politics. The military can only manage the barracks and national defense,” Wilson said.

“The murders of democracy have been spreading since 1998. Today is its peak. Democracy has been killed by the House of Representatives.”

These revisions allow active military personnel to hold positions in 14 civilian agencies, up to 10. They also raised their retirement age by several years. Now, the highest four-star generals can serve up to 63, up to 60.

By Thursday night, protesters outside Congress had grown to nearly a thousand. “Return the army to the barracks!” read on the banner they held: “Oppose militarism and oligarchs.”

Police and military personnel guarded around the protesters.

Despite efforts to limit military participation in politics and governance over the past 25 years, the local human rights watchdog neutral disease found that nearly 2,600 active-duty officials had held civilian roles even before the law was revised.

Hundreds of pro-democracy activists have camped outside the parliament building since Wednesday night to protest the changes [BBC]

Dedi Dinarto, an Indonesian analyst at public policy consulting firm Global Counsel, said the changes marked a “wider merger of power” under Prabowo.

He noted that despite the initial opposition, the main opposition parties recognized the change, further highlighting the change.

“By embeding military perspectives into the civilian field, the legislation could reshape Indonesia’s policy direction, possibly prioritizing stability and state control over democratic governance and civil liberties,” Dinalto said.

The “dual function” of the armed forces is control over security and administrative affairs, and is the core of the Suharto regime.

For some Indonesians, Prabowo represents that era of authoritarianism. It was the one he led the special forces in 1997 and 1998 who were accused of kidnapping militants.

Many fear that his resumption of political power and becoming president would erode Indonesia’s hard-winning but fragile democracy.

Since taking office in October last year, Prabowo has expanded military participation in public areas. For example, he provides children and pregnant women with $4 billion in free dining programs, receiving logistical support from the armed forces.

Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin defended the amendment on Thursday, telling parliament “geopolitical change and global military technology” that “requires military transformation to deal with “conventional and unconventional conflicts.”

“We will never let Indonesians remain sovereign,” he said.

However, some rights groups believe that increasing military control in public affairs outside of national defense will undermine justice.

Indonesian protesters burned the statue of former President Suharto, and several former military generals and officers on the streets of Jakarta on September 12, 2000, accusing them of blaming for the 1984 massacre at the port of Tanjung Priok in northern Jakarta, where more than 100 people were likely to be killed.

Protesters burned statues of former President Suharto and several former military generals on the streets of Jakarta in 2000 [Getty Images]

“How do they stay impartial when active officials in the Attorney General’s office are still tied to military command?” asked Virdika Rizky Utama, a researcher at the Jakarta think tank Para joint organization, asked.

“Who will hold them accountable if the military has an impact on the justice system?”

“President Prabowo appears to intend to restore the role of the Indonesian military in civilian affairs, which has long been a characteristic of universal abuse and impunity,” said Andreas Harsono, a senior researcher at Indonesian Rights Watch.

“The government is eager to adopt these amendments, weakening its commitment to human rights and accountability.”

Kontras also pointed out that the government is eager to modify it [law] In stark contrast to other long-term inactions that criticize human rights commitments”.

“This long struggle cannot be just because the law has passed. There is only one word: resistance.”

“We will continue to protest until we claim victory…we have no choice but to occupy the ‘House of the People’,” she said.

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