John Mulaney jokes about Olivia Munn

John Mulaney About the Wife, a new season for his Netflix talk show begins Olivia MunnThe “cancer brain”.
“Yes, I have two kids now. One is controversial, you all seem to be cool.” Mulaney, 42, Everyone lives with John Mulaney Wednesday, March 12. “So, thank you very much. I do want to say something: Over the past few months, many people have reached out to a good way for my wife, Olivia, who has been battling breast cancer. I’m so grateful for all the good news she obviously received, even I’ve received.”
The comedian continues: “But it’s a real thing to go through with someone you really like. Over the past few years, Olivia has had five surgeries, months and months of cancer treatment, and the struggles she has been doing have made her so inspiring. The impact of cancer treatment on her brain sometimes makes her so stupid.”
As Mulaney explains: “There is something called the cancer brain: not brain cancer. The cancer brain. It’s a sweet, wonderful stupidity that happens in all challenging treatments. I’ll give you an example. We went to a fertility doctor and we wanted an embryo. This was after Olivia’s double mastectomy, but before her hysterectomy and oophorectomy. We intend to end up being our daughter’s embryo this fall.”
He recalled that he and Munn, 44, “standing in the doctor’s office, the conversation took a speech. The doctor said: “The good news is that nine eggs survived the melting.” “Olivia: “So, we um, put it with his, uh, cum? ‘”
At the time, Mulaney corrected Munn and said, “Baby, baby. This is semen,” the doctor said, “Man, it’s sperm.”
Meng En revealed in March 2024 She was diagnosed Had cancer a year ago.
“I took out my uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries,” She told Fashion May 2024. “Having a full hysterectomy was a big decision, but it was the best decision for me because I needed to be present for my family.”
Munn and Mulaney, he Tied In 2024, it is the parents and daughter of 3-year-old son Malcolm, 9 months old. (them Welcome Messi through an agent In Moon’s Breast Cancer Fight. )
“Having a lifetime risk assessment test is actually the only cause of cancer detection,” Mulaney explain aired on March 9 CBS Sunday morning. “Seeing so many women publicly and privately looking for her [say] They found their risk was surprising. ”