Days of Our Life: Teresa Donovan Monday – Tate’s mom faces Amy?

Next week, fans will see Emily O’Brien back on the soap as Theresa Donovan, despite some conflicting reports, it looks like she is the return of Theresa Donovan first (Emily O’Brien), and then later this summer, Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien).
We’ll dig deep into why Teresa’s back, how long she’s stuck, and her reaction to the huge mom drama in the life of her son Tate Black.
Emily O’Brien’s dual role: Theresa Donovan
So, since October, we know Emily O’Brien is back for a few days. She suddenly appeared on the stage a few days later, taking off her wig to reveal her natural hair color, which confused fans. The biggest reveal is that she is back as both characters. If you remember Emily’s taking over Theresa’s role from outgoing Jen Lilley, they made that sleek airport transition.
You know, Gwen left for Europe to fly, search for Von Leuschners and try to get a huge payday from the family of her cheating husband. As she boarded a plane with her dark hair, we saw Emily transitioning to recast in her blonde wig, Theresa walked down from another plane, and that’s it. Fans don’t like it at all, at least not at the beginning. Some are still not. I think she’s OK in this role. You know, Emily is a talented soap veterinarian, so that’s not surprising.
Then in August last year, Theresa Donovan was sentenced to six months in prison, and her brother Andrew Donovan (Colton Little) negotiated for her. She cheated and forged with Konstantin Meleounis (John Kapelos) to steal the inheritance of Xander Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson).
If you don’t remember, Theresa exchanged Alexander Kiriakis to another by changing the letter written by Fiona Cook (Serena Scott Thomas), replacing her name with Alex’s mom, Anjelica Devereaux (Judith Chapman). Theresa did this, her boyfriend Alex Kiriakis would inherit her future and she could help spend money, but more importantly, Theresa hated Xander and didn’t want him to get inheritance.
It’ll get worse on DOOL
Worse, besides lies and forgery, if you remember, Theresa kidnapped Victoria’s baby under Konstantin’s orders, but did not take the baby for a long time, but still. So, because of Xander, Konstantin died a lot of criminal charges, and luckily, Konstantin died so he would not come back to take revenge.
Theresa has been in jail for more than six months since last August and now she is gone. So we’ll be glimpsing Theresa on March 10 (March 10), and Emily O’Brien is certainly Theresa Donovan in the promotion, which covers actions around the year or so.
Another character of Gwen Rizczech will not happen until July, so her promotion with blonde wigs during a few days seems to confirm that, despite some confusion and some conflicting reports, we will get Theresa next week next week.
Theresa’s Return: Family Party, Rebroken and Baby Mom Drama
With Emily O’Brien as the recast character, instead of her original character Gwen, we’ll see what Theresa is doing? First, she now wants to meet her family because she has left the Statesville prison, and secondly, she may need to express some remorse for her past actions, which has left her incarcerated and visited some of her victims. So let’s dig out what we expect from Theresa, because things will soon become real.
First, the first priority we need is to reunite with our mom. He hasn’t seen her in a while and I do think there is an off-screen prison visit. I also think Theresa already knows that Tate is pregnant with Sofia Choi (Rachel Boyd), but she wants to meet that girl, and Theresa may also say something to Amy Choi, that is Amy Choi about her teenager trying to find someone to adopt a baby.
Theresa may be rooting in the adoption route so that her son Tate can go to college and follow his dream, which is what Sofia wants them too. So we might see some Amy and Theresa. Amy’s tightness and how annoyed she was with the dramas of EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel), Gabi Hernandez (Gabi Hernandez (Cherie Jimenez) and Jada Hunter (Elia Cantu), I guess she guessed she met Tate’s outstanding addict, you know, you know, you’ll seem to be like a mom, it’s a thing like her, and she’ll have a good thing like her. Lemon. She plays a very good role.
Reignite the romance? Theresa’s Toxic History with Brady Black in Days
OK, the second thing, the second thing. Theresa will spend time with her ex Brady Black. If you remember, when Theresa married Alex, he was injured. Tate accuses his mom of tugging on Brady. She does care about Brady, but we see Theresa chasing that big pay in Alex. Theresa extends Brady from the van.
That was when he met Fiona. This led to the DUI crash, paralyzing Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey). So, you know, Brady has no good memories of Theresa. He knows it’s 100% toxic. However, she might try to reignite something with Brady.
She may not want to find out that he was involved in Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun). She might try to wedge there. You know, Theresa might argue that if Brady was willing to date the former mob princess, what’s the big deal about her being the most recent parole?

Seeking forgiveness: Theresa apologizes to Alex, Maggie, Sarah and even Xander
Finally, in addition to reconnecting with Tate and Brady, we should also see Theresa apologize to the people she is wronged. I think she will be willing to apologize to some of the people she has wronged. But maybe not all.
So I can definitely see Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) accessed from Theresa. I don’t think she wants him to come back romantically. But she owes Alex a big “sorry”. She seduces him to fall for her. She dirtyed him. and attempts to undermine his relationship with his father Justin Kiriakis (Wally Kurth). All are very problematic.
Fortunately, he has the woman he wants, Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein). But, just like Theresa returns to Salem, Alex may also face an unplanned pregnancy episode.
Let’s be a reality, she also apologizes to Maggie Horton Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers) when it comes to Theresa, for Sarah, and even the Xander Cook. Theresa knows the dirty plan Konstantin is making. He is using Maggie. But she never warned her. Theresa snatches Sarah and Xander’s little Victoria.
So, you know, even if Theresa still feels resentful to Xander, it’s not an excuse to run away with the kids. Come on, it’s not like Xander used to lock Theresa in a cage or something like him, you know, Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker).
Theresa’s Future: Tate-centric storyline and Brady’s Sense in Our Days
I’m curious how long Teresa will stay. If her return focuses on Tate and this teenager’s pregnancy situation. I think that might be that. This will be very Tate-centric. But hopefully Brady will stay away from her. Because after her crazy obsession with Kristen Dimera (Stacy Haiduk), the last thing he needs is Theresa’s madness.
He should stick to the AVA. She is the old woman around her, which is a little funny and amazing. But ready for Emily O’Brien to return as Theresa Donovan on Monday.