Tom Hiddleston makes the perfect sci-fi movie for our dystopian nightmare

By Drew Dietsch | publishing
“…Sometimes he finds it hard not to believe that he lives in the future that has happened, and is now exhausted.” – JG Ballard
The future is something we have been thinking about humanity. Not in the rash way of “what to eat for dinner tonight?”. I’m talking about the future. Our dreams and nightmares about civilization, society, technology and where humanity is.
Now, I have to say that the future feels grim. One of the biggest feelings for the future for so many people is boiled down to the growing and obvious division between the rich and the rest of us.
It’s hard to see the smallest number of people on it makes our lives miserable.
Obviously, this is not a problem that arises overnight, and many wonderful works of art explore the history of the classroom’s war.
But, since I announced the first movie of 2016, there has been a story that has been swallowing me. A cruel, dark, ridiculous and unpleasant science fiction story that makes our world seem to glide into an annoying dystopia.
And Rocky! bare!
This is High-risethere is a movie everywhere that will tell you that 2015 is coming out, but these are the dates for the festival. It was widely issued in 2016. This is a 2016 movie. IMDB and Wikipedia may be bent.
High-risea 2016 film, based on the 1975 novel by JG Ballard. Ballard is known for writing about the apocalyptic and dystopian novels that deal with ideas about social decay and the fundamental nature of human beings.
exist High-riseThe story centers on Robert Laing, a new tenant in a modern apartment building that provides everything people need for life today. For example, the entire floor of the building is a supermarket, so residents don’t even need to leave to shop.
It is obvious that the building is divided by the class, which is purposefully maintained by different floors, with high affluent floors higher with poorer tenants occupying the apartments below.
Things collapsed

As the story progresses, the residents of the building begin to encounter power outages as they increasingly rely on the daily life of the building. People stop going to work, parents stop sending their children to school, and it seems that the entire civilization has been built at the top to adapt to the basic driving force of humanity.
All of this is laid out with a very clear metaphor of the top level itself. As this social revelation escalates, the decadent wealthy continued to live on higher floors, even raiding supplies on lower floors and attacking poor tenants in the dark during the interruption.
When it was time to turn Ballard’s novel into a movie, writer Amy Jump and director Ben Whitley made very conscious and indispensable choices in adapting. Ballard’s novel does not provide a clear year for what happened, but should be considered part of its cautionary tale.
The future has happened

this High-rise The film created the story in 1975 (the same year that the novel was released). At first, the reason for this seemed to be an opportunity to indulge in certain nostalgic styles, such as the fashion of the times or the overall design aesthetic.
But the boundaries of Ballard’s novels entered the dubbing of the movie very early, which was the key to starting this video. High-rise As a movie.
By making movies in the 1970s and using their stories as an example of social decline, it argues that Ballard’s creative paper is presented in this brilliant clip. The future you promise is the future you are experiencing now and has run out. We’ll be back to this.
It should be said that even High-rise It’s my favorite movie, and I know that’s not going to be…well, most people. It’s a movie where in the first two minutes the dog is killed and eaten, and then another dog is murdered by drowning. If I’ve learned anything in watching, writing and talking about movies over decades, it’s that when a puppy dies in a movie, the audience really doesn’t like it.
It will only get worse

The rest of the movie won’t be happier. Tom Hiddleston’s role as Robert Laing and his observations of buildings and their people have led to characters that many might not like. Laing is a cold man looking for something that might lead to some kind of human connection, but he also plays a dark prank on a wealthy kid in the building, leading to a terrible suicide.
As the buildings fell into chaos and anarchy, Laing’s journey and philosophy became very passive. This character may have a better role in writing, but I think Hiddleston gives one of his most layered performances High-rise.
It’s also a movie with a very niche sense of humor. As I mentioned, at the beginning, the whole “Eating Dog” position stems from the first line of Ballard’s novel, which is a bit dark comedy. A similar example is when Laing sits down for dinner with Anthony Royal, the architect of the building (played by Jeremy Irons), he asks Laing for his idea of the building because someone screams in the background.
When viewed from this perspective, the black ridiculous High-riseespecially Luke Evans plays Richard Wilder, whose name tells you that his craziest impulses and behaviors succumb to it. Evans was unpopular, spitting, and went into goblin mode. Again, it is ridiculous and tragic.

but, High-rise It is not factory in its presentation. Clint Mansell scored properly psychotic and later jumped from Regal Bombast to childish whimsical, it wasn’t the kind of musical experience that made the audience feel comfortable.
The overall look of the movie is unusually refined, but the fantastic editing is not something mainstream audiences will click on. I like it because it emphasizes the gradual consumption of progressive pastoral dreams and comfort dreams inherent in the human condition.
This means we set the sequence to the Portishead cover of ABBA “SOS”, which is one of the best things in the past decade.
I can talk about it High-rise A few hours, but one of the reasons I want to make a video is hopeful that at least one person will find out High-rise Because they watched this video. So, I don’t want to pick everything in the movie.
But, another reason I feel High-rise It’s worth highlighting because I’ve seen a lot of people start to experience what High-rise Talk about it in 2016.
The Rich and the rest of us

It feels like we are in the midst of a huge cultural awareness of the stark division between the rich and Noves. Many of us realize that the future we are sold is never possible. This is someone’s dream has happened and is now exhausted.
exist High-riseLaing found happiness. This is in the realization that the social construction created by high-level apocalyptic society may be the best reflection of humanity in all animals in nature. And he was waiting for another high-level nearby to find the same descending into barbaric happiness.
It’s not an optimistic ending, it’s a bleak comic, but I can’t help feeling some dark truth. So many people seem to be waiting for the society’s powder keg to blow up, and a lot of this perspective comes back to the feeling of wanting higher class to feel the same turmoil that the rest of us are experiencing.
High-rise In its metaphorical nature of capitalist society, especially in a child’s role listening to Margaret Thatcher’s broadcast, it’s clear that I think more people will now Shocked by the film’s inherent dissonance of capitalism and humanity.

I hope the world won’t reflect in the end High-rise But, just in case, I’m brushing my dog recipe.