World News

Surfer disappeared after being attacked by ‘mass’ shark in deep water of breast: Report

A surfer was reportedly missing after being attacked by a “giant” shark in deep water of breasts.

On Monday, March 10, around 12:17 pm local time, the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development (DPIRD) in Western Australia “received a report on a shark bite incident,” posted on the local government’s Sharksmart website.

DPIRD confirmed in the Post that “surfboards have been recycled but no surfers have been seen.” He added that WA police “are currently coordinating the search for missing surfers”.

Wharton Beach, located in a remote county of Esperance, 480 miles southeast of Perth, is now closed, the release said. It also urges people to “action with caution” when they are in the area.

Luke Mackenzie/Getty

Photos of Wharton Beach, Western Australia

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), a man “discovered in distress” in the water on the beach.

Witnesses told police a surfer was attacked by a “giant” shark in deep water of breasts Sydney Pioneer Morning.

It is believed that several people witnessed the attack for several minutes. Watoday Report.

“The surfboard with bite marks was recovered from the water…but no surfers were seen,” police said in a statement.

“The surfers are believed to be the victim of a serious shark bite incident,” the news agency said. “A short time ago, a shark was seen in the area and the visitor left the water.”

According to the Western Australia travel website, Wharton Beach is “one of the most popular surfing places in the area” and a local favorite.

Karolis Kavolelis/Shutterstock A stock photo of a police car in Western Australia

Karolis Kavolelis/shutterstock

Stock Photos of Western Australian Police Cars

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Tony Carmichael, who witnessed the consequences of the attack, told ABC: “Everyone stared at the water in disbelief…numb. I felt very numb. I expected myself to run water.”

“You think you might be safe, but you never know,” Carmichael said. He said about 10 cars were parked on the beach, and about 20 people were on the beach at the time of the incident and about 20 people on the beach said.

Police, Navy Rescue Western Australia and State Emergency Services continue to search for missing surfers in the ocean Sydney Morning Pioneer Report.

According to the AAP, three deadly shark attacks have occurred in the area since 2017.

St. John’s Ambulance Western Australia told people in an email: “We don’t have much to add except for the fact that we have two crew members in, but sadly there is no need for ambulances, which is a problem for the police now.”

Esperance police did not respond immediately after contacting people for more information.

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