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Star Wars Celebration has just announced 4 very exciting panels

The next four Star Wars The project will be officially exhibited Star Wars Celebrate Japan. The event, held from April 18 to 20, has not disclosed its full schedule, but has just announced its four largest groups and has a glimpse of the near future of the franchise.

Of course, the future begins with Mandalorian and Grogu. The 2026 summer release directed by Jon Favreau is already finished shooting, so you can imagine fans might not only see a trailer or two, but also learn more about what makes the story doomed to be a big screen. The group will be held on Friday, April 18, the first time of the event. (Do we think LucasFilm will release trailers online very early?

Saturday, April 19, focus on TV Ando and Ahsoka. Ando Season 2 will be just days away from its premiere, so except for some actors and crew on the court, fans may see at least one episode from the show if tradition is established. As for Ahsokavery little is known about the second season of the second that the first season left behind. Creator Dave Filoni will definitely make changes through this panel, and maybe we’ll get some specific details even when we can watch it.

Then on Sunday, April 20, we’ll learn more about it Star Wars Vision Season 3. The excellent animation series is Star Wars Highlights and fans will be happy to learn what Animation Studios has on board this year and the topics they will deal with.

That’s just four panels, though – four panels that require booking to attend (you can learn more about it here). Lucasfilm confirmed to IO9 that more group announcements will be released. However, there are still two major problems. One of the groups celebrates the 20th anniversary Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith? When, if anything, Lucasfilm CEO Catherine Kennedy can talk about something else Mandalorian and Grogu On the big screen? She seems to be locked in Shawn Levy’s film, and the celebration will be the place to announce it. But on which panel?

We will get more in the celebrations and in the conference itself on IO9 in the coming weeks.

Want more IO9 news? See when you can expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek releases, the next step in the DC Universe on movies and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Who Doctor.

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