The ridiculous reason why Eric Cartman is confused about women in South Park

Robert Scucci | publishing
Eric Cartman has been building complex relationships with women South Park Considering that he met hundreds of times throughout the series, there was a lot to be taken apart. While I could do one thing in cognitive dissonance when Cartman gets the crackdown from the girl in class with him being completely in control of his mother on the family front, I’m talking more about…private things here today.
Have you ever wondered why Cartman is always confused about female anatomy? Because the answer has been sitting in front of us since Season 2’s “Mom Cartman Still a Dirty Slut”. It is a powerful case to learn that his father was actually his mother, and he was revealed to be hermaphrodite, the fact that Cartman believes all women are hermaphrodites, even if never explicitly stated, is evident in later seasons.
You can’t kick women there

In Season 11’s “List”, the boys find that the girls in the class rank each boy from the ugliest to the cutest. Eric Cartman South Park Fashion is determined to steal documents from female peers with the help of his friends.
Cartman, in his infinite wisdom, orchestrated a simple ambush plan to retrieve the roster, and his entire strategy depends on getting Butter to kick Nelly’s ball. The boys said in shock that this offense didn’t produce the result they wanted, gathered at Cartman’s home and said, “Well, our mission failed, but we learned a lot. The main thing is that the girls don’t have the ball.”
On the surface, Eric Cartman’s misunderstanding of female anatomy this South Park The plot can be attributed to the fact that he is an 8-year-old and he simply does not understand the difference in layout of boys and girls under belts.
But this topic is accessed throughout the process South Park Running, which shows that when you consider Cartman’s point of view, this has a deeper meaning as his birth revolves around a unique environment.
Still playing in season 20

When the South Park boy’s ongoing hatred with the girl in the class caught the eye on Season 20’s “Member Berries,” Cartman was once again promoted by his own potluck when he decided to take things into his own hands. Cartman lifted his ambush, raised himself to his head and painted the woman’s private parts with his face to show that the girls pressed him down and left their mark in pursuit of the unavailable online troll Skankhunt42. When Kyle points out that women don’t have balls, the boys quickly lose interest in Cartman’s lies – it’s to start a war of gender, and Kyle doesn’t have balls, which are included in the paintings on Cartman’s face.
Eric Cartman is absolutely sure that women do actually have the ball, more confused than ever before, while Kyle and the rest of the other gangs go on with their lives because he is an idiot.
This is all a matter of opinion

When you think of Eric Cartman’s sanctuary South Park Despite the tendency to social therapy, it makes sense that the only woman he has ever seen in his life was his mother Liane. In Cartman’s mind, since his mother is androgynous, every woman must be because that’s all he’s seen. Although Cartman is an evil genius and a master manipulator of the highest stage in any other situation, his limited knowledge of female anatomy makes sense because he is just a child and based on the limited information he has exposed, literally, he is interacting with the world.

While there is a debate about Season 14’s “201” that reveals Cartman shares a father with Scott Tenorman, South Park The loose, continuous sensuality overall allows you to think of this plot as non-classical for two reasons.
Since Trey Parker and Matt Stone write every episode every week, it’s impossible for them to know that they would provide such a twist in what was considered the most controversial plot at the time. Due to their portrayal of Prophet Muhammad in “201” and its previous episode “200”, the two-part legend was withdrawn from the union and convergence, meaning fans of the show rarely see these plots unless they have DVDs. besides, South Park There is always a problem of continuity – like Kenny dies in every episode of the early season, just being killed indefinitely and then reintroduced into the series as if nothing happened.
In other words, for most South Park Fan, Eric Cartman’s understanding of women and their anatomy is consistent with the above theory, namely his mother yes Andromelania distorts the perception of more fair sexual behavior because he simply doesn’t understand it.