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Hubble sees the mini galaxies around Andromeda very wild

around Andromeda The Milky Way, thirty small galaxies, don’t act as scientists expected.

NASAThe Hubble Space Telescope was trained in Andromeda to delve into how its orbital satellite galaxies form and change over time. What they found was that there were a large number of dwarf galaxies, which were completely different from those circling galaxies. Milky Way.

About 2.5 million Light Years Leaving, these space communities formed most of the stars long ago. But instead of stopping production as computer simulations suggest, they continue to slowly create new stars from stocks.

“The formation of stars does continue until later, and that’s not what you expect from these dwarf galaxies at all.” A statement. “So far, no one knows what to do.”


A very small galaxy has stopped stars for billions of years. Then restart.

Hubble captures bird views of known dwarf galaxies surrounding the large Andromeda galaxy. These 36 smaller satellites hover in yellow.
Credits: NASA / ESA / Alessandro Savino / Joseph Depasquale / Akira Fujii DSS2

In the past, scientists have mainly observed dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way, but they are never sure if those represent others in the universe. That’s why they point toward the Hubble that is heading towards the Earth orbiting Earth towards the large galaxy of the closest to that of the Milky Way, which has its own satellite galaxy.

this studypublished in Astrophysics Magazinebased on observation results of more than 1,000 telescope orbits. The sweeping science movement has enabled astronomers to build detailed 3D maps of Andromeda’s 36 dwarf galaxies and reconstruct how they made new stars since. big Bang. These images provide a unique view of the bird’s eyes for Andromeda and its environment.

Mixable light speed

Apart from the long-term star age of dwarf galaxies, scientists were surprised to find that half were sitting on the same plane and moving in the same direction. However, Merger and Collision It usually causes the object to travel in an inconsistent direction.

“It’s weird,” Daniel Weisz, chief investigator at UC Berkeley, said in a statement. “It’s actually a surprising thing to find satellites in that configuration, and we still don’t fully understand why they appear.”

Astronomers learn that galaxies tend to start small and collect gases and Merge with other galaxies. However, most dwarf galaxies are in the so-called Ionization Era Never returned to business since then. Power supply is an era of major transition, which happened 13 billion years ago. At that time, the baby universe changed from a neutral state to a state full of free electrons and protons.

The animation above provides a flight view of Andromeda galaxy and its surrounding dwarf galaxies based on Hubble data.

Since most tiny galaxies shut down their star activity in the first few billion years of the universe, many scientists believe ionization is the cause. However, some researchers are Questioning this idea.

Astronomers suspect Andromeda had recently had a major collision with another Milky Way, about 2 to 5 billion years ago. On the other hand, the Milky Way may not have 80 to 10 billion years of running-in with another galaxy. Andromeda’s Collision – Larger ScaleIt can explain the exotic and diverse satellite systems of the Milky Way.

The study only deepened the team’s speculation that dwarf galaxies are not like galaxies near home. Researchers believe they may have a broad fate and need more observations to determine the cause.

“Everything scattered in the Andromeda system is very asymmetric and perturbing. It seems that something important happened not long ago,” Weiss said. “Our work shows that low-mass galaxies in other ecosystems follow different evolutionary paths than we know from the Galaxy satellite galaxies.”

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