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Why Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich With husband Paul WS Anderson Have worked together nine times over the years – but their first creative collaboration didn’t go well.

“The first one resident Evil Myself and the photography director both slammed us in the eyes because of Mira. ” Anderson, 60 US Weekly The latest conversation series with 49-year-old Jovovich is now on newsstands.

Anderson, who directed the film, clarified that Jovovich’s fist was not “angry”, and Jovovich admitted that her husband “wanted the gun.”

They put me in an impossible situation. “She explained. Paul said, ‘Step straight at the camera, like I’m a camera.’ But he didn’t have a camera, so I just straightened his eyes.”

Related: Milla Jovovich and Paul WS Anderson on their new movie Marriage and etc.

Milla Jovovich and her husband/recursive director Paul WS Anderson’s path to “I do” is not without potholes. “In the first Resident Evil, the photography director and I both got dark because Mira slammed us!” recalled Anderson, 59. He and his actress wife are 49 years old, recall […]

However, Anderson has different views on poor communication. “Okay, I want to [Milla] I would imagine there was a camera in front of me. She spent her “this lot” space, but she just imagined that the camera was behind my head,” he said with a smile. “and [then] only, WHAM. So, I see how powerful her fist is in real life. ”

Jovovich starred in the 2002 Apocalypse Thriller, a global pandemic survivor facing defeating her former workplace-created zombie corps. She will continue to be the face of the franchise in seven movies – all directed by Anderson.

Jovovich is resident Evil Now, logging in is not as easy as she expected. Jovovich jokes Anderson is angry about the role after Anderson starring opposite him Bruce Willis exist The fifth elementbut she finally agreed to the terms.

Paul WS Anderson and Milla Jovovich. US Weekly

“She did it [read for the role]. She studied with a good friend of mine. Jason Isaacs,” Anderson recalled the audition process. “He was in town and he was like, ‘I wanted to come in and help, everything I could do. ‘So he read with Mira. ”

After reading, it was obvious White lotus The star believes that the chemistry between Anderson and Jovovich will not only be in front of the camera.

“Milla left, Jason turned to me and he said, ‘Well, that’s it.’ I said, “So you think she’s great with the movie? “He said, “Oh, forgot about this movie. You and her,” Anderson told us. “So he felt like there was some electricity in the room, and he was not wrong.”

Anderson and Jovovich continued to tie knots in 2009, and they have been welcoming three daughters: 17-year-old Dashiel, 9-year-old Dashiel and 5-year-old Osian. Three musketeers2020s Monster Hunter And 2025 On the lost land.

For Anderson, the best part of working so closely next to his wife happened before all the scene chaos really started.

He told Jovovich that he pointed out that those quieter moments were “a wonderful freedom” for them. “This is a great time to create, build with your surroundings, connect with the set. It really understands.”

The two were able to complete all of this, as well as their latest movies, On the lost landthe film was released on March 7 and is adapted as a film George RR Martin’s A short story with the same name. Jovovich Stars are the powerful witch grey Alys opposite Dave Bautista The quiet cowboy hunter, Hunter Boyce, Anderson, serves as director chair.

Milla Jovovich
Constantine Movies/Dream Brothers Entertainment

As for how married couples are involved in the film, Anderson admits that Jovovich brought him the idea and introduced him to the screenwriter Constantine Warner. Jovovich called it a true “passion” project that took nearly seven years to complete.

“For me, this movie is a wonderful combination of two things I like. It’s a fairy tale for adults. [the theme is]“Be careful what you want because bad things will happen.”[And] Because this is the story of George RR Martin, and it is also from the West. I feel like George wrote this story about two characters who don’t necessarily trust each other, they have to perform tasks together and learn to respect each other and care for each other. ”

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Niko Tavernise/Warner Bros. Entertainment; Metro Goldwyn Mayer pictures; Warner Bros.’s 2024 film leaves us with some incredible moments that make us laugh, cry and think about the meaning of life. Meanwhile, others let us just say, “WTF?” To be clear, WTF is not always a bad reaction: Challenger leaves our capabilities […]

He continued: “It really reminds me of the movies I loved when I was a kid. Good, Bad and UGLYes The two mums of the Sarah sisters – These iconic 1960s, 1970s movies. ”

As for working with her husband again, Jovovich quickly shared her favorite thing about being his muse.

“I respect and love when the director knows what they want,” she said. “One of the first directions he gave me on the first Resident Evil was, ‘Never do it again.’ …I never did it. And it wasn’t a punch either.”

Now, on the lost land, now in the theater.

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