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6 types of assessments in education and examples

When you hear the word evaluation, do you automatically think about “test”? Although tests are an assessment, they are not the only way teachers can evaluate students’ progress. Learn more about the types of assessments used in education and each assessment, and learn how and when to use them.

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What is educational assessment?

In simplest terms, evaluation means collecting data to help understand progress and effectiveness. In education, we collect data about student learning in a variety of ways and then use it to evaluate student progress and the effectiveness of instructional programs. This helps educators know what works well and where they need to make changes.

The chart shows three types of assessments: diagnostic, formative, and summary
We are teachers

There are three types of evaluation: diagnostic, formative, and summary. These happen throughout the learning process, helping students and teachers measure learning. In these three broad categories, you will find other types of evaluations, such as iPsative, normed Redected and Criterion references.

What is the purpose of educational assessment?

In education, we can evaluate it for three main purposes:

  • study
  • study
  • As a study

The assessment of learning is based on students and is the most familiar and familiar test, report, paper and other methods to determine the knowledge students have learned. These are often summative assessments, which are used to assess individuals and groups’ progress so that educators can determine who has mastered the material and who needs more help.

When we talk about learning assessment, we refer to the continuous assessment of teachers when teaching. In these quick assessments (such as in classroom discussions or quick popular quizzes), educators have the opportunity to see if their teaching strategies are working. This allows them to adjust in action, allowing them to tailor the courses and activities to their needs. Learning assessments usually include formative and diagnostic types.

Assessment can also be part of the learning process itself. When students use self-assessment, flash cards, or columns, they use assessments to help them learn.

Let’s take a closer look at the various assessments used in education and see some examples.

Diagnostic evaluation

Use quizzes to perform diagnostic evaluation on paper
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Use diagnostic assessment before learning to determine what students have done and don’t know. This usually refers to pretests and other activities that students try at the start of the unit.

How to use diagnostic evaluation

When conducting a diagnostic assessment, it is important to remind students that these will not affect their overall grades. Instead, it’s a way for them to find out what they’re going to learn in an upcoming course or unit. It can also help them understand their strengths and weaknesses so they can seek help when they need it.

Teachers can use results to understand what students already know and adjust their lesson plans accordingly. It makes no sense to over-teach the concepts that students have already mastered. On the other hand, diagnostic evaluation can also help highlight expectations that may be missing.

For example, the teacher might assume that the student already knows that certain vocabulary words are important for upcoming courses. If the diagnostic evaluation indicates something different, the teacher knows they need to step back and do some pre-teaching before they can get the actual lesson plan.

Examples of diagnostic evaluation

  • Pretest: This includes the same question (or type of question) that will appear in the final test, which is an excellent way to compare the results.
  • Blind Kahoot: Teachers and kids already love using Kahoot for testing comments, but it is also the perfect way to introduce new topics. Learn how blind Kahoots work here.
  • Survey or questionnaire: Students are asked to rate knowledge about a topic and have a range of low-risk questions.
  • Checklist: Create a list of skills and knowledge that students will build throughout the unit and have them first check anyone they already have mastered. Lists are frequently revisited as part of a formative assessment.

Formatological assessment

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Formative assessments were conducted during the teaching process. They are used throughout the learning process to examine comprehension and help teachers adjust their teaching and activities as needed. These assessments are not used to calculate student performance, but the program is part of a course or activity. Learn more about formative assessments here.

How to use formative assessment

When building a lesson plan, make sure to include formative assessments logically. These types of assessments can be at the end of the course, after completing hands-on activities, or after completing unit parts or learning objectives.

Once the results are obtained, use this feedback to determine the student’s progress, both overall and individually. If most classes struggle with a specific concept, you may need to find a different way to teach it. Alternatively, you may find a student particularly lagging behind and arrange for additional help to help them.

Although children may complain, standard homework review assignments can actually be a very valuable type of formative assessment. They give the child a chance to practice, and the teacher can evaluate his progress by checking the answers. Remember that homework review tasks are only a formative assessment and not all children can enter a safe, dedicated learning space outside of school.

Examples of formative assessment

  • Exit Ticket: At the end of the course or class, a question is asked to ask the student to answer before leaving. They can answer using sticky notes, online forms or digital tools.
  • Kahoot Quizzes: Kids love the fun of playing, while teachers like to analyze the ability to analyze data later to see which topics students know well and need more time.
  • Self-assessment: Students are encouraged to use formative assessments to assess their own progress as well. If they struggle with commenting questions or example questions, they know they need to spend more time learning. That way, they won’t be surprised when they don’t do well in more formal tests.

Find a large list of 25 creative and effective formative assessment options here.

Summary Assessment

Summary Assessment
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Use a summary assessment at the end of a unit or course to determine what the student has learned. By comparing diagnostic and summary assessments, teachers and learners can have a clearer understanding of their progress. Summary assessments are usually tests or exams, but also include options such as papers, projects, and presentations.

How to use summary assessment

The purpose of a summary assessment is to find out what students have learned and whether their learning matches the goals of the unit or activity. Make sure you match your test questions or assessment activities with specific learning goals to make the most of your summary assessment.

Where possible, use a series of summative assessment options to provide all types of learners with the opportunity to prove their knowledge. For example, some students suffer from severe test anxiety but may still have mastered skills and concepts and just need another way to demonstrate their achievements. Consider throwing away the test paper and talking to students about the topic, covering the same basic objectives, but without a high-pressure testing environment.

Summary assessments are often used for grades, but are actually more. Students are encouraged to re-examine the exams and tests to find any answers they had missed in the first place. Consider allowing those who dedicate their dedication to their learning. The idea of ​​driving home is that learning is more than just grades on the transcript.

Examples of summary evaluation

  • Traditional Tests: These may include multiple choices, matches, or short questions.
  • Papers and Research Papers: This is another traditional form of summary assessment, which usually involves drafts (actually formative assessments in disguise) and editing before the final copy.
  • Speech: From book reports to persuasive speeches and other content, speeches are another long-standing form of summary assessment.

Find 25 of our favorite alternative summary evaluations here.

More types of educational assessments

Different types of assessments
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Now that you know three basic types of assessment, let’s take a look at some of the more specific, more advanced terms you might hear in professional development books and conferences. These assessments may fit some or all of the broader categories, depending on how they are used. This is what the teacher needs to know.

Evaluation of standard citations

In this common assessment, students’ knowledge is compared with standard learning objectives. Most summative assessments are designed to measure students’ mastery of specific learning goals. One important thing to remember about this type of assessment is that it only compares students with the expected learning goals themselves, no To other students.

Many standardized tests are evaluations of standard citations. The Governing Council identified learning objectives for specific student groups. All students then took standardized tests to see if they achieved these goals.

Learn more about the evaluation of standard citations here.

Standard reference evaluation

These types of assessments do compare student achievement with peer achievement. Students are ranked based on their own scores and other factors. Evaluations of conventional citations are usually ranked on the bell curve, establishing “average” as well as high performance and lower performers.

These assessments can be used as screening for underperforming risks, such as those with learning disabilities, or identifying advanced learners who will thrive in other challenges. They can also help students rank college admissions or scholarships, or determine whether students are ready for new experiences like preschoolers.

Learn more about the normative reference evaluation here.


In education, assessment compares learners’ current performance with their own past performance and shows achievements over time. Many educators believe that iPsative assessment is the most important thing because it helps students and parents truly understand what they have achieved, sometimes even what they have not achieved. It’s all about measuring personal growth.

Comparing the results of pretests with the results of the final exam is a type of iPsative assessment. Some schools use curriculum-based measurements to track symbolic performance. Children perform rapid assessments regularly (usually weekly) to show their current level of reading, writing, math and other basic knowledge. Their results are graphed, showing how they progress over time.

Learn more about consent assessments in education here.

Have more questions about the best types of assessments to use with students? Come on Facebook We are the advice from the teacher helpline group.

Be sure to get a free export ticket template to make formative assessments easy and fun!

Collages of educational assessment types, including formative and summative

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