Zeta Gundam sets a blueprint of legacy sequel

Today, we live in a new era legacy sequel, which is not an ill-repeated sport that shatters the new generation of potential heroes along with the old vanguards we know and like. Everyone is doing it Star Wars,Miracle, Jurassic Parkarrive Ghostbustersarrive Cobra Kai and countless other TV and movie franchises. But few people can do it with Gundam The past forty years ago, the past weekend was launched Zeta Gundam.
Zeta Gundam Launched in a very different context from its predecessor six years ago. The first Gundam Finding itself to end with a cutoff plot number, by reducing ratings, can only be found with its combination of dedicated audiences, sales of model kits, and miraculously successful drama playback, as a series of compilation films transformed its destiny from a doomed experiment to the birth of a new anime genre and enjoyed its own rights in its enduring right. With the sophomore series, Sunrise has potential Gundam Creator Yoshiyuki Tomino can work safely. Built on the things that are made Gundam Work with the audience and click back to the role they now have while also maintaining similar situations and wartime conflicts.
But it’s not long ago Zeta Gundam It premiered in 1985 and it was obvious that it would be safe. The first incident happened eight years ago Gundam series, Zeta Follow Amuro Ray, but the young rebellious colonist Kamille Bidan, who almost once we meet him finds himself against the authoritarian rule that tries to gain an advantage in the space colonies. However, this is not a remnant of Zeon in the original performance, but: the Earth Federation itself, is the original “hero” Gundamled by an elite faction in the army known as Titans.
Zeta Flipped such scripts in many ways – the mysterious Quattro Bajeena, a lieutenant of the resistance movement called AEUG Gundamnot a newcomer, GundamNow find himself in a charisma that is consistent with the strength and numbers he once fought in a year’s war. Kamille, unlike Amuro, is far from the hesitation of the war situation being forced into a mechanized conflict, but a young man actively seeks to oppose the increasingly popular push of the increasingly fascist on Earth toward the colonies. It is a suitable similarity that we meet two young men who steal a Gundam: Amiro is actually trapped in the original Gundam because of the necessity of Zeon invading his own home, and Kamille steals him to kill a Titan officer who tries to kill his name, making his name sound feminine, casually laughing at their once defending the colony.

Zeta Gundam Continuously make us right GundamThe world of the “universal century” timeline will eventually become home to other series and eggs Gundam Franchise. Although the open conflict in the original series is a devastating war – we keep reminding each episode in our opening remarks Half of all humanity In just a few months of opening, it was replaced with the Titans’ Cold War for the lingering Zeon remnants, while Aeug’s resistance to federal totalitarian grip, the once clear dive line of the first show has been changing. Zeta. The flaws of people from one side to the other, alliances are made up of the most unlikely allies, and the old numbers of the First War were first asked to rethink what they actually encountered. If it was Gundam Interested in the ways that war might change people’s trauma, ZetaCriticism of power, the dominant system can keep these trauma going on and easily sweeps through the pain of corruption.
Maybe there is no better way Zeta This was studied, not how to deal with Amuro himself. Although not the main character in the series, Amuro throws a big shadow Zeta Before he reached about a third of the show, he reached the forefront of an important arc. Since the end of the original, federal arrests Gundam– Due to his newborn psychic ability as the essence of “newtype”, the next step in the emerging theory of human evolution is to follow it to live in space and to prevent such powerful symbolic figures from opposing it – Amuro is not a powerful and famous veteran, his image is made by those who realize their legacy. His experience in the war itself and in the treatment of the Federation left him almost empty, any mean willingness to seem desperate for the direction of the Federation. It saw the change in char becoming Quattro, and the emergence of a new generation of soldiers like Kamille and his allies (Kamille) and his allies (Kamille), freeing him from disillusionment.

And its boldest move may be the way the series combines. To the end Zetathe thing is extremely Bad: A large portion of the main cast doesn’t succeed at the end of the final battle, while Camill himself is in a coma, his own Newtepee powers have him hit him in the final duel against the usurpers of the latest Titan Army. The state of the solar system is arguably a worse place than the beginning of the series, with the Titans threat being a destroyed entity, but due to a well-known deal with the Devil, which leaves a way for Zeon’s resurrection, the team continues to handle the next series a year later. ZZ Gundam. Zeta Ultimately, the cycle that helps start the conflict, echoing throughout the show beyond the century, but not in a way that is able to say what it has to say and spends a lot of time exploring in the beginning of the cycle that makes no sense. If anything, those criticisms of their characters and beliefs of their characters are won by them, their belief in their ideals in the otherwise bleak situation.
It’s a fascinating boldness, a contemporary return to old sequels are usually almost lacking here and now. There is a flash – absolutely available in ZetaAmuro Ray’s speech and The Last JediLuke Skywalker’s vision – however, these regressions tend to be more inclined toward nostalgia factors than their evolutionary aspects of building something new and deeper in the introspective loop, with smaller comments on the loop and more excuses to tell the same story, often the same as the same face. As Gundam It’s the next step of my nostalgia Gundam gquuuuuuxIt’s a new work that plays the original anime of 1979 to build its own alternative vision, it’s obvious, Zeta Gundam At least still alive in my own franchise.
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